Our Extensive Thailand Volunteer Projects and Internships
Friends for Asia (FFA) has developed a variety of Thailand volunteer opportunities, including the chance to teach Buddhist monks, work with orphans, volunteer with elephants and even scrub-up for a medical internship.
Not only that - our project fees are among the cheapest available. Explore this website to learn more about our exciting opportunities to volunteer overseas, and find out how you can make a difference during your next visit to Thailand
View Our FeesTeaching English to Buddhist Monks
Teaching English to Buddhist Monks
Location: Chiang Mai and Bangkok
An amazing variation on the standard English education project, this assignment takes volunteers behind the scenes of a Buddhist temple in either Bangkok or Chiang Mai. Work with novice monks on daily English lessons and learn firsthand what life in a Buddhist temple is really like.
Elephant Camp Volunteer Project
Elephant Camp Volunteer Project
Location: Chiang Mai
This elephant camp is located in the Chiang Mai countryside receives a handful of daily visitors. Learn more about these enormous creatures. FFA volunteers enjoy much closer access to the elephants, assisting with their daily care and staying overnight in a rustic house with views of the valley.
Low Cost Volunteer Project – Teaching English
Low Cost Volunteer Project – Teaching English
Location: Chiang Mai
The two-week project fee minimum in this placement is only $399 US Dollars, with all additional weeks at $80/week. The day starts early in rural Thailand, with roosters announcing the procession of village monks on their early morning alms round...
Medical Internship
Medical Internship
Location: Chiang Mai and Bangkok
A Rewarding Medical Internship in Bangkok or Chiang Mai As an intern on one of these specialized assignments, you’ll join internationally trained healthcare providers on the front lines of healthcare in Thailand.
Become a volunteer in Thailand!
Our volunteer Thailand work projects will see you going to work in a range of settings. Thailand is a multifaceted country, and we have set up two bases from which to coordinate service projects in the kingdom. One of these bases is in cosmopolitan Bangkok, a world-class metropolis that attracts upwards of 16 million international visitors each year. Our second base is in Chiang Mai, a culturally rich city in northern Thailand surrounded by mountains and ancient temples.
Explore all projectsFriends for Asia (FFA) first launched our Volunteer and Intern Projects in Chiang Mai in 2007, and the volunteer projects in Chiang Mai that we coordinate are among the longest-running and most successful that we offer. With the help of conscientious travelers like you, Friends for Asia has been strengthening communities and changing lives in Chiang Mai for years.
Best of all, our inexpensive and flexible programs make it possible for you to spend time volunteering in both Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Maximize your experience and explore all that Thailand has to offer.

Doctor Follows Week Program
Make the most of your winter break and shadow doctors and nurses treating patients at some of Thailand's best hospitals. Learn more about medical practices in Thailand, what it's like to be a medical professional and boost your resume of experiences at the same time.
Language: English
|Ages: 14-18
The Doctor Follows Program offers 20 hours of clinical observation in different hospital departments at hospitals in Thailand, perfect for eager students willing to learn more about the medical world first-hand.
Learn about Doctor Follows WeekThe Friends For Asia Foundation Team
Our Thailand volunteer internship staff members are here to help you!
Our members are here to help you liaise with organizations and NGOs that are desperately in need of willing workers. We provide you with the support, facilities and connections you'll need to make a meaningful contribution in this Southeast Asian capital.
We understand that the human connection is a critical part of any volunteer project. Whether you're in service at a local orphanage, teaching English at a rural school or promoting women's empowerment with an NGO in Bangkok, you'll be spending time in direct contact with the people you're serving.
More about Friends for Asia Foundation
Frequently Asked Questions
Make a Lasting Impact as a
Volunteer or Intern in Thailand
These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.