The Friends for Asia
Bangkok Volunteer Group #20

Bangkok Volunteer Group #20

January, 2016
Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #20! This group participated in our projects in November, and we are a little late here on posting their group photo. Well, better late then never! This group had eight volunteers from Germany, Canada, Austria, Australia and the UK. They participated in our English Education, Womens Empowerment, Orphanage, Kindergarten and Teaching Monks Projects. A great group, and we thank them for their service and assisting the people of Thailand! Bangkok Volunteer Group 20 Friends For Asia Bangkok Thailand Group #20
1. Philipp Dreyer from Osnabruck , Germany – English Education Project 2 weeks 2. Justus Wehage from Osnabruck , Germany – English Education Project 2 weeks 3. Nora Mirija Schmidt from Freiburg, Germany – English Education and Orphanage 4 weeks 4. Marina Brubacher from Calgary, Canada – Women’s Empowerment 2 weeks 5. Barbara Simhandl from Purkersdorf, Austria – Teaching Monks 2 weeks 6. Julianne Clark from Adelaide, Australia – Women’s Empowerment 2 weeks 7. Anna Baalk from Beender, Germany – Teaching monks 4 weeks 8. Sophie Dodsom from Milton Kenynes, United Kingdom – Kindergarten 6 weeks

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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