The Friends for Asia
Bangkok Volunteer Group #23

Bangkok Volunteer Group #23

February, 2016
Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #23! A group of seven volunteers from the USA, UK, and the Netherlands. This group of volunteers are participating in our Bangkok Womens Empowerment, Orphanage and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects. Unfortunately, this group ended up arriving at different times, so it was hard for us to get a group photo. Hence the "photo-shopped" nature of the photo below. This is our first group of 2016. Thanks for coming and we hope that all of you have a good experience in our Bangkok Volunteer Projects. 500x375 (1) Bangkok Volunteer Orientation Group #23 January 2016 1. Madeline Beeton, Oren, USA, Women’s Empowerment Project 4 weeks 2. Jocelyn Crockett, Leicestershire, UK, Women’s Empowerment Project 4 weeks 3. John Jon-Long Tan, Brooklyn, USA, Orphanage Project 2 weeks 4. Danielle Cote, South Burlington, USA, Orphanage Project 2 weeks 5. Annie Beeton, Oren, USA, Orphanage Project 4 weeks 6. Van Der Brug Eveline, Hillegom, The Netherland, women’s Empowerment Project 4 weeks 7. Hendrik Gerard De Jong, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Teaching Monks Project 4 weeks

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These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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