The Friends for Asia
Bangkok Thailand Volunteer Group #16

Bangkok Thailand Volunteer Group #16

August, 2015
Presenting our Bangkok Thailand Volunteer Group #16. You may notice some of the faces in the photos here from our previous Chiang Mai groups. Participating in both of our project locations (Bangkok and Chiang Mai) is becoming more and more popular amongst our volunteers and interns and two of the volunteers in this group participated in our Chiang Mai projects previously. This is a great small group of volunteers that are from the United States, Italy, UK, Switzerland and Canada. ##Bangkok Thailand Volunteer and Intern Group #16! 1. Luca Francesco Felli, Lombardia, Italy - Bangkok Medical Internship. 2. Samuel Schick, Miami, USA - Bangkok Medical Internship. 3. Joshua Daniel, Isleworth, UK - Bangkok Teaching Monks. 4. Veronique Perroulaz, Gurmels, Switzerland - Bangkok Kindergarten Volunteer. 5. Eleanor Adamo, Slough, UK - Bangkok Kindergarten Volunteer. 6. Cassandra Williamson-Hopp, Toronto,Canada – Bangkok Women’s Empowerment Volunteer. 7. Maesha Meto, New York, USA – Bangkok Women’s Empowerment Volunteer These volunteers and interns started their projects a little over a week ago, and are having a great time exploring and experiencing Bangkok in a way that no tourist is able to see. Thanks for coming guys, and we hope that you enjoy the rest of your experience in our projects in Bangkok. Bangkok Thialand Volunteer Group #16 Our Bangkok volunteer and intern projects, although only on our 16th group, are becoming more and more popular. To review our Friends for Asia volunteer and intern projects in Bangkok, Thailand please visit our Bangkok Thailand Volunteer and Intern Project Page.

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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