The Friends for Asia
Bangkok Volunteer Group #37

Bangkok Volunteer Group #37

September, 2016
Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #37! A group of seven volunteers from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, The Netherlands, and the USA. The group finished Pre-Service Volunteer Orientation over the weekend and started in their projects. The volunteers in this group are participating in our Kindergarten, Orphanage, English Education and Womens Empowerment Volunteer Projects. Bangkok Volunteer Group 37

Bangkok Volunteer Group #37

1. Michaela Jeutter, Baden, Germany, Kindergarten (4 weeks) 2. Tamara Petautschning, Murau, Austria, Orphanage (12 weeks) 3. Niruja Varatharajasingam, Regensdorf, Switzerland, Orphanage (4 weeks) 4. Hollie Ferguson, Halifax, England, English Education (4 weeks) 5. Lotte Veldhuis, Enscheda, The Netherlands, Kindergarten (2 weeks) 6. Katie Johnson, Texas USA, Women’s Empowerment (4 weeks) 7. Maymuna Abdi, Walpole England, Women’s Empowerment (4 weeks)

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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