The Friends for Asia
Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #14

Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #14

July, 2015
A little late on posting this. July is a very busy time for us. Please find a photo of our Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #14 below. In this group we have volunteers and interns from Germany, the UK, USA, Belgium, Canada and France. Some of these volunteers have finished their placements already. Others are in their third week of their projects. 20150705_140245_resized_resized
Volunteering in Bangkok, and in Thailand during this time of year is very popular with university students and young people that have off during the summer months. Almost all of our volunteers and interns in this group are in, or are going into college or university. It's a great way to see the world, get to know something very different from your home, and make friends from all over the world, but with a similar mindset as your own - to travel, contribute and learn. As the busy summer months come to an end, next month, we'll be giving our Friends for Asia review of our Thailand projects for the busy summer months.

Friends For Asia Bangkok Group 14

1. Lucas Losh, Koblenz, Germany - Bangkok Teaching Monks
2. Megan Rooney, Dunstable, UK – Bangkok English Teaching
3. Shivani Shada, Glasgow, UK – Bangkok Medical Internship
4. Mallory Harris, Georgia, USA – Bangkok Orphanage Volunteer
5. Angela Yee, Sanb Francisco, USA – Bangkok Women’s Empowerment
6. Sivakumar Venkatachalam, Georgia, USA - Bangkok Medical Internship
7. Marrie Simaey, Brugge, Belgium – Bangkok Kindergarten Volunteer
8. Rita Futamara, New York, USA - Bangkok Medical Internship
9. Erum Rahman, New York, USA - Bangkok Medical Internship
10. Abhishek Singh, Ontario, Canada - Bangkok Medical Internship
11. Anthony Calpas, Guadeloupe, France – Bangkok Teaching Monks
12. Miguel Olivares, Huelva, Spain - Teaching Monks Volunteer 13. Jessica Schlafke, Beilefeld, Germany - Bangkok English Teaching
14. Nancy Tang, New York, USA – Bangkok Medical Internship
15. Tsewang Sadutshang, Miami, USA – Bangkok Medical Internship
16. Aerion Ward, Georgia, USA – Bangkok Women’s Empowerment
17. Kelsey Pagorek, Illinois, USA - Bangkok Medical Internship
18. Alexa J Gonzalez, Georgia, USA - Bangkok Refugee Support
19. Gabriela Vivian Memba, Delaware, USA - Bangkok Medical Internship
20. Jason Chen, New York, USA - Bangkok Medical Internship
21. Rebecca Anderson, Peterborough,UK – Bangkok English Teaching
22. Louise Simaey, Brugge, Belgium, Bangkok Kindergarten Volunteer

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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