The Friends for Asia
Boost Your Work Experience

Boost Your Work Experience

March, 2017

Boost Your Work Experience on a Thailand Volunteer Project

In an ever more competitive world, gaining the right work experience can be invaluable in kick starting your career. While the right qualifications are important, those with hands on experience often have the edge over competitors when it comes to job applications. Volunteering in Thailand can be a great way to gain a solid grounding in a range of professions while having an unforgettable and rewarding experience. Whether you are still at university, newly graduated or you want to try your hand at something new, there are are a number of year-round volunteering opportunities in Thailand that will bolster your resume for a variety of professions. From education to medicine and veterinary to childcare, here are some Thailand volunteer opportunities that are guaranteed to boost your job prospects:

Medicine – Intern at a Thai Hospital

httpv:// An ideal opportunity for anyone interested in a career in medicine or nursing. Our Medical Internship provides specialized assignments in Bangkok or Chiang Mai give you the opportunity to make a difference on the front-line of healthcare in Thailand. During your time at the hospital you will be paired with a doctor or nurse who you will work with for the duration of the project. As you observe your doctor and nurse on their daily rounds you will learn from them as they consult with patients, administer treatment and even perform operations.

Education – Teach English to Children or Monks

httpv:// Thailand offers a wealth of volunteer opportunities for anyone interested in becoming a full-time educator. Volunteer teaching opportunities cover a range of settings from kindergarten to a dedicated university for monks, and everything in between. In many cases you will be working with students who otherwise would not have the opportunity to learn from a native English speaker allowing you to make a very real difference in their education.

Childcare – Volunteer at an Orphanage or Children’s Home

httpv:// These projects offer a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Thailand’s most disadvantaged children. A wide range of duties include helping with homework, organizing fun opportunities and lending a hand at mealtimes. Sometimes challenging but always rewarding, your experience here will look great on your resume. If you excel in this environment then a career in childcare could well be the right path for you.

Veterinary – Care for Elephants in Chiang Mai

httpv:// While many people partake in this project simply to be near these majestic mammals, it is also an excellent option for anyone interested in a career as a vet or vet’s assistant. The project places you in the heart of northern Thailand, 40 miles (65 kilometers) outside Chiang Mai city. Each day you will help clean, feed and look after the general well-being of the elephants as you learn from qualified elephant trainers (mahouts). Friends For Asia offers a wide range of Thailand volunteer projects that will give you a unique perspective on life on Thailand while providing you with invaluable work experience. Contact us today to find about more about the ideal volunteer project for you.

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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