The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #178

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #178

July, 2015
Due to to our busy summer, we are a little later than usual in posting these group photos. We're half way through the summer at this point, and in review of our Thailand, Friends for Asia projects at this point... all is going pretty well. Please find the photo and name list of volunteers and interns in Chiang Mai Group #178 below. Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group 168

Briena-Mariee Ann Henry, Washington, USA, Elephant Camp
Daniel Martin Jonathan Wainryb, Mammendorf, Germany, Teaching Monks
Benjamin Nicholas Brown, London, UK, Teaching Monks
Jack Paul Davison, London, UK, Teaching Monks
Kaitlin Anna Chrobocinski, Pennsylvania, USA, Elephant Camp
Rachel Rose Landoll, Arkansas, USA, English Education
Helen Louise Chessor, Aberdeenshire, UK, English Education
Louise Lorentsen Sandø Lund, Århus, Denmark, English Education
Melissa Kay Read, California, USA, Elephant Camp
Sidsel Brændstrup Jensen, København SV, Denmark, Teaching Monks
Melissa Anne Hepburn, Illinois, USA, Teaching Monks
Selina Lisa Charlotte Federspiel, Chur, Switzerland, Teaching Monks
Stephanie Ellen Howell, Georgia, USA, Elephant Camp
Nicole Solange Kristoff, Connecticut, USA, Elephant Camp
Dora Stepan, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Medical Internship
Shelby Leigh Velte, California, USA, Children’s Home
Anastasia Kudrya, Alberta, Canada, Teaching Monks
Meghan Arminta Sovell, Illinois, USA, Elephant Camp
Ana Carolina Lelo de Larrea, Queretaro, Mexico, Teaching Monks
Ana Sofia Bastos de Carvalho, Granges-Paccot, Switzerland, Children’s Home
Veronica Canto Vendrell, Valencia, Spain, Medical Internship
Ashley Lynn Morgan, Connecticut, USA, Elephant Camp
Debbie Marin Vasquez, California, USA, Children’s Home
Nga My Chung, Georgia, USA, Elephant Camp and Children’s Home
Roberto Jimenez Alonso, Madrid, Spain, Elephant Camp and Children’s Home Tanner Jordan Lewis, Colorado, USA, Teaching Monks
Anna Sanchez, New Mexico, USA, Special Summer Package Volunteer

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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