The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group 173

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group 173

May, 2015
##Volunteer Group Picture - Chiang Mai, Thailand #173 Volunteer Thailand Group 173 This is our latest group of volunteers, for our 4th of May, 2015 start date. Mostly all elephant campers! The schools in Thailand have not opened for the 2015 school year yet, so our teaching projects are not yet available. The volunteers in this group are as follows: ## Our New Volunteer Group Franziska Zeuner, Bielfeld, Germany - Elephant Camp
Tracy Gierke, Queensland Australia - Elephant Camp
Celina Haseli, Kloten, Switzerland - Elephant Camp and Teaching Monks
Leana Carvin, Pennsylvania, USA - Elephant Camp and Teaching Monks
Alan Bowman, Bath, UK - Elephant Camp
Emma Marie Dorf Glesborg, Denmark - Elephant Camp and Children's Home
Gabriela Castanedo, Queretaro, Mexico - Elephant Camp
Victoria Cornell, Grovedale, Austrlia - Elephant Camp
Victoria Violo, Alberta, Canada - Elephant Camp
Stephanie Baldwin, Connecticut, USA - Elephant Camp
Natasha Baird, UK (via Hong Kong) - Children's Home and Elephant Camp
Unfortunately, Emma had a family emergency that she had to attend to back at home, and has already departed Chiang Mai. We wish her and her family well with their current struggles, and hope that Emma is able to return to volunteer with us at some point in the future. It's incredibly hot in Chiang Mai at the moment, with temperatures up near 37 - 38 degrees Celsius (around 100 degrees Fahrenheit). For this reason, it's great that most of our volunteers in this group are elephant campers, as they are able to cool off in the river bathing the elephants. We wish all of our new volunteers the best in their placements, and look forward to seeing them back here in the city over the weekend. We are still accepting applications and bookings for the 2015 summer. Please feel free to visit and complete our online application.

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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