The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #180

Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #180

August, 2015
Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #180! This group arrived and began their projects in mid-July. It's been such a busy summer, we are just now getting around to posting some of these great group photos. This group had 14 volunteers and interns from Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria and the United States. Most of the volunteers in this group participated for only two weeks, with a few for a little longer. As you can see from the photos here, most of the volunteers and interns are students on summer break from college/university, with a few from different walks of life. ## Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #180 1. Stephen Finbarr Dunne, Dublin, Ireland, Teaching Monks (3 weeks) 2. Sandya Marina Stoffel, Binningen, Switzerland, Children’s Home (2 weeks) 3. Stefanie Simone Millius, Visp, Switzerland, Children’s Home (2 weeks) 4. Chelsea Rae Monell, British Columbia, Canada, Rural Schools (2 weeks) and Teaching Monks (2 weeks) 5. Jana Elisabeth Christa Hülsmann, Glandorf, Germany, Children’s Home (4 weeks) 6. Salome Magdalena Wüthrich, Mühlethurnen, Switzerland, Elephant Camp (2 weeks) 7. Line Nørgaard Lauridsen, Aarhus N, Denmark, Medical Internship (4 weeks) 8. Cassandra Williamson-Hopp, Ontario, Canada, Teaching Monks (2 weeks) 9. Véronique Perroulaz, Gurmels, Switzerland, Elephant Camp (2 weeks) 10. Jenuthan Nagaratnam, Wittenbach, Switzerland, Teaching Monks (2 weeks) 11. Sema Fildiş, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, Teaching Monks (2 weeks) 12. Magdalena Schlosser, Perchtoldsdorf, Austria, Elephant Camp (2 weeks) 13. Takara May Ragland, California, USA, Medical Internship (3 weeks) 14. Nicholas James Lanzetta, Michigan, USA, Medical Internship (4 weeks) Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group 180

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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