The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 226

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 226

August, 2017
Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #226! Six volunteers and interns from Denmark, The USA, Colombia, and Ireland. The members of the group are participating in our Elephant Camp, International University for Monks, Children's Home and Medical Internship. For additional information about our different volunteer and intern opportunities, please visit our Projects Page. Volunteer Group # 226 Chiang Mai Thailand

Chiang Mai Volunteer and Intern Orientation Group #226

August, 2017 1. Valeria Minervini, Copenhagen, Denmark, Elephant Camp Project (2 weeks) 2. Glenn Alan Markwell, Florida, the USA, International University for Buddhist Monks Project (6 weeks) 3. Szu Ying Chen, California, the USA, Medical Internship Project (2 weeks) 4. Francisca Pena Infante, Bogota, Colombia, Elephant Camp Project (2 weeks) 5. Liane Katharina Mullers, Dublin, Ireland, Children’s Home Project (2 weeks) 6. Clayton Hugh Richardson, New York, the USA, Medical Internship Project (2 weeks)

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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