Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #247! The volunteers in this group are from England, Canada, Australia and the USA. They finished orientation over the weekend and started in their projects earlier this week, and are participating in our Low-Cost Teaching Program, Womens Empowerment and Elephant Nursery Volunteer Projects. Please visit our Projects Page to view our different volunteer and intern opportunities in both Bangkok and Chiang Mai.
Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #247!
September, 2018 1. Jodie Ibbotson, Lancashire, England, Low Cost Teaching Project (2 weeks) 2. Natasha Stock, Manchester, England, English Education Project (2 weeks) 3. Natalia Stanek, Lancashire, England, Low Cost Teaching Project (2 weeks) 4. Celine Dempsey, British Columbia, Canada, Womens Empowerment Volunteer Project (3 weeks) 5. April Davey, Colorado, The USA, Womens Empowerment Volunteer Project (4 weeks) 6. Ella Hickinbotham, Western Australia, Australia, Elephant Nursery Project (6 weeks)