Presenting Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer and Intern Groups #308 and 309!
Group 309 arrived last weekend. After the weekend orientation the group started their projects on Monday. Most of the participants in this group are nursing students from Denmark taking part in our Medical Internship. Additionally, there are a few other volunteers from Mexico and Spain who are now participating in our English Education and Elephant Camp Volunteer Projects. After their first week in the programs, the members of this group are all busy this weekend with sightseeing trips and other cultural activities in and around Chiang Mai.Chiang Mai Volunteer and Intern Group #309
August, 2023
Chiang Mai Volunteer and Intern Group #308
Patrik was a brief one week Medical Intern with us. He arrived a couple weeks ago, outside of our normal program start dates. Patrik is a pretty impressive guy who speaks multiple languages and is quite the world traveler!