The Friends for Asia
New 1 Week Thailand Elephant Camp Placements!

New 1 Week Thailand Elephant Camp Placements!

September, 2015
Friends for Asia is now offering One Week Elephant Camp Volunteer Placements! This is perfect for volunteers who wish to experience more of what Friends for Asia has to offer but don’t have much time to do so.

About the Elephant Nursery

After arrival into Chiang Mai, and a two day Orientation, volunteers are escorted up to the camp on a Monday with our Friends for Asia Volunteer and Intern Staff. At the elephant camp, morning comes early for the elephants and volunteers must be ready to feed and bathe the animals before visitors start pouring in. This is one of the elephant’s favorite times of the day. As you lead them to the river to bathe, the elephants take pure joy in rushing into the water to play. Volunteers wash and play with the elephants and can expect a few playful sprays from the elephant’s trunks. Elephant breakfast consists of grass and corn that volunteers prepare and feed to the elephants each morning. After feeding the elephants, volunteers are free to enjoy their own breakfast, and a cup of coffee while taking in the early morning sounds of the mountain village and elephants next door.

Elephant Nursery Accommodation

Volunteers at the elephant camp live on site in rustic accommodation. Although rustic, the camp is equipped with electricity and running water and WiFi internet in a few locations. Volunteers and Kitchen staff prepare meals daily. Volunteers also get a chance to stay in a village with some of Thailand’s ethnic minorities and get a glimpse into a side of Thai and ethnic hill tribe culture, not usually seen by backpackers and tourists. During the day, volunteers assist the staff of the elephant camp and develop close bonds with both the workers and the elephants themselves. Money made from the daily visitors directly goes toward keeping the elephants happy and healthy as well as maintaining the camp and paying the staff.

Elephant Camp Volunteer Project Fees

Participation in the Elephant Camp Volunteer Project starts at $800 US Dollars for one week, $1349 for two weeks. Each additional week (over two weeks) is $329. Visit our Fees and Payments page for more information.

Volunteer Project Fee Includes

* Comprehensive Pre-Departure Information
* Visa paperwork (for projects over 8 weeks)
* FFA Volunteer Insurance
* Airport pick up
* Accommodation during orientation and entire project time
* Transportation to and from Chiang Mai and the Elephant Camp
* Breakfast every morning
* All meals from Monday morning to Friday afternoon
* 2 day Orientation (including half day city tour, cultural dinner and show)
* Onsite Coordinator
* 24 hour emergency assistance
* Written record of service completion (for volunteers that successfully complete their project).

Volunteer Fee Does Not Include

* Travel to/from Home and Chiang Mai (airfare, train tickets, etc.)
* Thailand visa costs (if applicable)
* International Medical Insurance
* Lunches and dinners on weekends.

Volunteer Requirements and Qualifications

Volunteers must be at least 18, able-bodied, and have a passion for helping animals and people. The experiences volunteers gain at our elephant camp are truly special for everyone involved. Participants can expect to see a more simple, rural way of life and take in the spectacular nature and culture of northern Thailand all while creating lasting memories and connections with the everyone involved as well as the majestic animals that call northern Thailand home. Friends for Asia offers several programs for volunteers to make a difference from our Chiang Mai branch in Thailand. Some volunteers choose to work at orphanages, schools, and monasteries while others elect to take a turn helping at an elephant camp. Located about 65 kilometers (40 miles) outside of Chiang Mai, the elephant camp receives visitors daily but our volunteers take an active roll in the day to day activities working at the camp.

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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