The Friends for Asia
Summer Volunteer in Thailand!

Summer Volunteer in Thailand!

February, 2014
Summer is coming and it is a great time to consider volunteer and internship options in Thailand. Interested in travel abroad, combined with meaningful human contact with people in foreign countries? *Friends for Asia* has you covered. June to July is our busiest time of the year. We see in an influx of university students and working professionals that are able to take time during the summer months to travel, explore, give back and learn. Our teaching projects are popular during the summer months, as it allows college students that may be interested in education, the opportunity to gain a new, and very insightful experience, in teaching students and working with professional educators in a very different culture and environment. Pre-Med, nursing and medical students flock to our Medical Internship during the summer months. This program is a wonderful chance for those interested in medicine as a career to get some real-life hospital experience. Not only is participating in a medical internship abroad a wonderful way to pad your resume, but it also helps confirm if health care and medicine is right the right career choice. This type of confirmation is priceless. - **Flexible date Volunteer and Internships** (accommodation included). There are a range of volunteer projects and internships, and flexible start dates twice per month. Many volunteers mix and match among the different projects. We have two start dates every month.

Flexible Dates Summer Volunteer Projects and Internships

The following are our summer start dates. All Volunteers and Interns are required to arrive on the Friday prior to their project start date to partake in our two day orientation, which covers Thai language, cultural sensitivity, and sessions on health and safety, including a city tour and cultural activity. - May 7, 2018 - May 21, 2018 - June 4, 2018 - June 18, 2018 - July 2, 2018 - July 16, 2018 - August 6, 2018 - August 20, 2018

Volunteer and Tour Experiences in Thailand

Exotic cuisine, foreign languages, ancient temples and unusual customs – there's so much to experience in Asia. *Friends for Asia* volunteers stay busy with their summer project work, but we make sure that they enjoy the full visitor experience while they're in-country. We've packed the summer project experience with extra activities and cultural encounters. Depending on the assignment, the schedule could include visiting a traditional healer, braving class-3 river rapids, bathing elephants, trekking through the jungle or having dinner with a local prince. See the specific summer volunteer project pages for details. One of the great joys of volunteering abroad is the fact that everyone benefits. Volunteers give back to the communities they visit, and in the process they learn a great deal about the local customs and culture. Even better, locals often look at our volunteers differently than they would run-of-the-mill tourists. They understand that – while many visiting foreigners spend their time lounging on beaches, riding on tour buses and gathering at Western-style hangouts – volunteers invest their time and energy in projects that help everyday people.

Individual Volunteer Projects - Summer

For some volunteers, these dates might not work, or they may prefer more flexible schedule or to focus on specific volunteer projects. No worries. Our standard individual volunteer projects are flexible with start dates twice per month throughout the summer. Standard volunteer projects are available in Bali, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam. Individual projects and internships are two-week minimum, and can be extended for any number of weeks. Many volunteers and interns choose to mix and match and try two or more options while abroad. Full orientation, support, and accommodation is available for these projects, but we leave most of the tourism/travel events up to the individual. There are always other volunteers on the projects to make getting a group together for excursions easy to do.

Other Individual Volunteer Projects and Internships

- [Bali, Indonesia - Volunteering]( - [Kathmandu, Nepal - Volunteering]( - [Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand - Volunteering and Internships]( - [Hanoi, Vietnam - Volunteering](

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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