The Friends for Asia
Thailand Summer Volunteer & Adventure Package

Thailand Summer Volunteer & Adventure Package

April, 2015
Working with Orphans, Bathing Elephants, Teaching at a Rural School, Zip Lining... This is the way to experience a Summer Volunteer Trip to Thailand! I would like to take this moment to present our 2015 Summer Volunteer Packages. Most of our volunteers participate in not only volunteer projects while in Thailand, but also fun activities that available in Chiang Mai. The Summer Volunteer Package brings all of the best parts of volunteering, and Chiang Mai's fun activities together with you, and a group of other like-minded young people from around the world. ## This Unique Experience Allows Volunteers To: Volunteer at 1 or 2 Project sites
Spend a day interacting with Elephants
Visit a Dinner Theater that has a Traditional Thai Dance Show
Do a 2 day, 1 night Jungle Trek through the mountains
And More!!! ## Inclusive Package Volunteer/Tour Dates - Group 1: June 13-26, 2015 - Group 2: June 27-July 10, 2015 - Group 3: July 11-24, 2015 _DSC7920 ## Inclusive Package Volunteer/Tour Fees - $1,599 USD per participant ### Project Fees Include - All transportation (airport pick up and drop off, transport to/from all project spots and activities, visit to seek any necessary medical attention) - All accommodation (from arrival to departure date – air conditioned, shared rooms, with built in bathroom, hot water shower, western style toilet in/near the city center of Chiang Mai) - Please note that if at the orphanage, volunteers will stay at the orphanage accommodation. - All meals, and drinking water (Breakfast, lunch and dinner each day, including unlimited drinking water). This includes: - Visit to open air dinner market - One dinner at western style restaurant - Dinner Boat Cruise - Farewell Dinner at lovely Thai restaurant - Thai Cultural Show and Dinner - All materials needed at project sites - On the ground staff available and with group 24 hours/day - 24 Hour Emergency Support ### Project Fees Do Not Include - Souvenirs - Alcoholic Beverages - Any additional activities planned by group members (not staff). - Any medical costs
Volunteer in Thailand - Summer 2015

Volunteer Stories!

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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