The Friends for Asia
Volunteer in Bangkok!

Volunteer in Bangkok!

July, 2015
Volunteer in Bangkok, with Friends for Asia at the crossroads of Southeast Asia. Bangkok is a dynamic and cosmopolitan city, with ultra-modern infrastructure, gleaming sky-rises and an underpinning of ancient Buddhist traditions but still with a large number of those in need and struggling to get by. Sample authentic Thai food, learn the language and go behind the scenes of Thai culture through one of our rewarding Bangkok volunteer project placements.

Volunteer in Bangkok

Discover Different Volunteer Opportunities in Bangkok

Friends for Asia has developed several volunteer opportunities in Bangkok, which take applicants behind the scenes in schools, temples, orphanages and slums. The following is a list of the volunteer projects we offer in Bangkok:

Women’s Empowerment Project in Bangkok

women's empowerment 1 Women Empowerment Single mothers and young women from broken homes are faced with many challenges in Thailand. Challenges are compounded in Bangkok, where the cost of living is high and high population density makes it easy to be overlooked by organizations that offer support and welfare. FFA volunteers are currently working with underprivileged women in Bangkok to provide them with the tools, support and education they require to overcome poverty.

Medical Internships in Bangkok

Medical Internship Medical Internship We connect medical interns with private and teaching hospitals in Bangkok. They shadow real doctors while they are making rounds, performing surgeries and otherwise treating patients.

English Education Volunteer Project in Bangkok

[English Education](/english-education-chiang-mai/) English Education Volunteer Project
Improving their English-language proficiency is one of the most effective ways that an underprivileged person in Bangkok can establish upward mobility. Join the ranks of volunteer English teachers in Bangkok by teaching at one of our partner schools in Bangkok.

Teaching English to Novice Monks in Bangkok

Teaching English to Novice Monks Teach English to Buddhist Monks
Working with Buddhist monks in Bangkok is an amazing experience. Opportunities like this are difficult to come by – which is why FFA works so hard to develop relationships with temples that would like to welcome English education volunteers to Bangkok. If you are planning to travel to Thailand, make the most of your experience by spending a couple weeks volunteering with organizations that could really use your help. Contact Friends for Asia to find out more about the volunteer projects we coordinate, or send us your application today to get the process started. This could completely transform your travels in Asia. Help people in need, change lives and see the world in the process. Friends for Asia can show you how.

Kindergarten Volunteer Project in Bangkok

SMALL FILE SIZE 2 [Kindergarten Volunteer – Bangkok](kindergarten-volunteer-bangkok/) This project works specifically with preschool- and kindergarten-age children in Bangkok. The focus in this project is one helping children from a local slum develop strong and constructive social skills and to prepare them to thrive in Bangkok’s school system and society at large.

Orphanage Volunteer in Bangkok

Children_home [Orphanage Volunteer – Bangkok](/orphanage-volunteer-bangkok) Working with children is one of the most rewarding ways to volunteer in Thailand. It’s obvious from your first day on assignment that these kids are delighted that foreigners take a genuine interest in their lives. Volunteers at the Bangkok orphanage project work Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
*All of Friends for Asia's Bangkok volunteering and internship projects are a two-four week minimum and include orientation and training, accommodation, and 24-hour support along with international injury and accident insurance.

Volunteer Stories!

Friends for Asia logoFriends for Asia logo

Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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