The Friends for Asia
Elephant Camp Volunteer

Womens Empowerment Project

Location: Chiang Mai


Here, every action counts: changing diapers, comforting infants, helping toddlers nap, and bringing smiles to children and mothers in need. Your support allows these women to focus on education and skill-building, creating brighter futures for their families. Make an impact where it matters most.

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Women's Empowerment Project

At the single mothers' home, volunteers can see their impact firsthand. Success here is measured in diapers changed, infants comforted, toddlers coaxed into naptime, smiles put on faces, and words learned by new mothers to expand their vocabulary. The stakes are high for these women, and your support provides them with the freedom to invest in their education and skills, improving their family's future.

A Day in the Life of a Volunteer in Thailand

Raising children means days that start early and never really stop. At the single mothers' home, older children attend school offsite from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Volunteers start their workday at around 9:00 am, helping with various tasks like grant writing and proposals, preparing the mid-day meal in the kitchen, assisting with the crops in the garden, working directly with the women on their studies, or helping at the daycare center.

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The single mothers' home is located in a quintessential Southeast Asia setting, with mountains in the background and rice paddies in the foreground, far from the trappings of tourism. The daycare center is rustic and was built by a construction team and former volunteers. Cradling a newborn baby here, you realize you are part of a continuum of caring people who have contributed to making a difference. You’re part of the solution.

Making a Difference by Volunteering in Thailand

Single mothers face similar challenges worldwide, but at this facility, these challenges can be overcome by equipping disadvantaged women in Northern Thailand with the skills and confidence they need to change their lives. Volunteers play an essential role in freeing the mothers to focus on their personal development.

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Many of these women come from ethnic minority villages in remote areas, where access to education, vocational training, and medical facilities is limited. Abuse is a common reality for these women, and the aftermath can be devastating. This project is open only to female volunteers to create a safe and supportive environment.

Volunteer Tasks

One of the most important resources for these mothers is unwavering support, and the single mothers' home provides this in abundance. Knowing that others genuinely care about their welfare is life-changing—especially for those who’ve been neglected for so long. Your presence fills both a practical and emotional need.

Volunteer tasks vary widely, and you'll likely find yourself assisting in multiple areas based on your skills, interests, and abilities. Here are some of the general areas where volunteers contribute:

You'll be caring for children, mostly infants and toddlers, although some may be as old as seven. Tasks include changing diapers, holding babies, and organizing simple games. Your support provides peace of mind to the mothers so they can attend classes on the compound, knowing their children are safe.

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Instructional Programs and English Teaching with the Women
English proficiency is in high demand in Chiang Mai and Northern Thailand. Empowering these women to improve their English skills through formal and informal lessons can greatly increase their employability once they leave home. Volunteers with skills in handicrafts, art, or other areas that could help the women gain new abilities are also welcomed.

Gardening and Upkeep
Sustainable agriculture is a key aspect of the program. Many of the women come from rural areas and will eventually return to similar environments. Learning to garden, live off the land, and raise livestock is crucial to becoming self-sufficient parents. The garden at the home also supplies much of the food for the women, children, and staff. Assisting in the garden helps ensure everyone is well-fed.

Office Work
The Single Mothers' Home is a private foundation that relies entirely on donations. Tasks like grant writing, connecting with current and potential donors, and raising awareness about the home and its mission are essential to keeping the organization running.

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Volunteer Qualifications

This project is only available to women. Volunteers must be over the age of 20 but do not need specific qualifications. Basic knowledge of childcare is helpful. Volunteers should be flexible, able-bodied, and enjoy working outdoors and with children.

Friends for Asia requires all volunteers in this project (and all other projects involving direct work with children) to submit a certified police background check before beginning their service.


ffa testimonial quote

Shannon Ng - Hawaii, USA

Hearing the laughs and seeing the smiles of the mothers and children was the most rewarding part of the whole experience.

ffa testimonial quote

Katia Grant - New York, USA

The children were always so happy and excited to do basically anything with the volunteers.

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