The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

September 2024

Presenting Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328! This group of four volunteers and interns participated in our Medical Internship, Elephant Camp, English Education, and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

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ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
Bangkok Volunteer Group 41

Bangkok Volunteer Group 41

Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group 41! A group of five ladies from Italy, the UK, Germany and Japan. The volunteers in this group are participating in our Bangkok Kindergarten and Womens Empowerment Volunteer Projects.<br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 210

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 210

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #210! A great, diverse group of 12 new volunteers and interns. The group members are from the USA, Germany, Switzerland, the UK, Singapore, Denmark, and Mexico. They are participating in our Medical Internship, Elephant Camp, Teaching Monks, Children's Home, Low-Cost, and English Education Volunteer Projects. For more information about our volunteer projects, please visit our Volunteer and Intern Projects page.<br />

Bangkok Volunteer Groups 39 and 40

Bangkok Volunteer Groups 39 and 40

Presenting a couple of small groups of only three people in total. For more information on our volunteer and intern projects, please visit our Projects Page. <br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Groups 208 and 209

Chiang Mai Volunteer Groups 208 and 209

A little slow on updating our blog and new groups here. Here in Chiang Mai, we've had two groups arrive and start their projects in the past few weeks.<br />

Mourning the King

Mourning the King

Our Condolences on the Passing of HRM King Bhumibol<br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #207

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #207

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 207! A small group of two ladies, that will be here in Chiang Mai for quite a long time, and both participating in multiple different projects. A quiet time with our projects, as the schools in Thailand are closed for the Thailand mid-school year break.<br />

Bangkok Volunteer Group #38

Bangkok Volunteer Group #38

Presenting our Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #38! A very small group of only two people, both Americans. Mid-September through October sees a reduction in our volunteer and intern numbers due to the Thailand mid-school year break, which occurs for a few weeks in October. Anna and Stuart arrived a little over a week ago and started in their projects last Monday.<br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #206

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #206

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer and Intern Group #206! Come mid-September we see a reduction in the number of new, incoming volunteers. This is partly due to many of our volunteers going back to college and university themselves, along with the Thailand mid-school year break, which occurs for a few weeks in October.<br />

Bangkok Volunteer Group #37

Bangkok Volunteer Group #37

Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #37! A group of seven volunteers from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, The Netherlands, and the USA. The group finished Pre-Service Volunteer Orientation over the weekend and started in their projects. The volunteers in this group are participating in our Kindergarten, Orphanage, English Education and Womens Empowerment Volunteer Projects. <br />

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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