The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

September 2024

Presenting Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328! This group of four volunteers and interns participated in our Medical Internship, Elephant Camp, English Education, and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

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ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
Bangkok Volunteer Group 45

Bangkok Volunteer Group 45

Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group # 45. This group arrived, and started their projects a couple of weeks ago. A group of five volunteers from the UK, USA, Scotland, Australia, and the Netherlands. These volunteers are participating in our Kindergarten, Orphanage, Womens Empowerment and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

Groundhog Day - Volunteer in Thailand!

Groundhog Day - Volunteer in Thailand!

Break the humdrum with a Volunteering Trip to Thailand<br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #214

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #214

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #214. This group arrived last week and started their projects on Monday. The group has nine members, from the UK, USA, Switzerland, and Mexico.<br />

Bangkok Volunteer Group #44

Bangkok Volunteer Group #44

Presenting our Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #44! They finished orientation and started their projects a couple of weeks ago. Five volunteers and interns from the USA, UK, Australia and Singapore. The five in this group are participating in our Medical Internship, Womens Empowerment, English Education, and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

Top 5 Reasons to Volunteer in Thailand this Summer

Top 5 Reasons to Volunteer in Thailand this Summer

5 Reasons You Should Volunteer in Thailand this Summer<br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 213

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 213

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer and Intern Group # 213! This group started their projects last week, and are doing a great job. Twelve new volunteers from Switzerland, the USA, Uruguay, the UK, Canada and Denmark. It's a great time to be in Chiang Mai. January sees warm sunny days, and cool nights. It's also the high season for tourism here, so there are a lot of foreigners around the city exploring. <br />

Bangkok Volunteer Groups 42 and 43

Bangkok Volunteer Groups 42 and 43

Catching up here on posting some of our previous volunteer and intern groups for the past couple of months. Here, we are presenting Alexander, who was the only participant in group #42, along with four volunteers and interns in group #43. Participants in these groups participated in our Teaching Monks, Kindergarten Volunteer Projects, and Medical Internship.<br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #212

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #212

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #212! A little late on getting this post up. This group started their projects in mid-December. In this group, we had volunteers and interns from Australia, the USA, and China. The members of the group participated in our Children's Home, Teaching Monks and Elephant Camp Volunteer Projects, and our Medial Internship. <br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 211

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 211

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer and Intern Group #211! A wonderful time to be here in "The Rose of the North". The rains have ended. The skies are clear blue, warm and sunny during the day, and cool at night.<br />

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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