The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

September 2024

Presenting Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328! This group of four volunteers and interns participated in our Medical Internship, Elephant Camp, English Education, and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

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ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #201

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #201

Presenting Our Chiang Mai Volunteer and Intern Group #201! A little slow on getting this posted. July is normally the busiest time of the year for us here in Thailand. This is a group of 23 volunteers and interns, coming from the USA, Denmark, New Zealand, UK, Switzerland, Canada, Austria, and Slovenia. Participants in this group are partaking in our Medical Internship, Children's Home, English Education, and Elephant Camp Volunteer Projects.<br />

University of Otago

University of Otago

Earlier this month we hosted students from the Department of Tourism at the University of Otago, New Zealand - for their Fieldschool program here in Chiang Mai. A big group of 11 students this year! <br />

Bangkok Volunteer Group 32

Bangkok Volunteer Group 32

Presenting our Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #32! This group completed orientation this past weekend, and started their projects on Monday. A group of 13 participants coming from the United Kingdom and the United States. Mid-Summer always sees a spike in the number of our Medical Interns. In this group of 13 volunteers and interns more than half are Medical Interns. We are also hosting participants in our Kindergarten, Womens Empowerment and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 200

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 200

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #200! Mid-Summer is a very busy time of year for us. 22 new volunteers and interns from the USA, UK, Germany, and Australia. Orientation was this past weekend, and they started their projects on Monday. They are participating in our English Education, Elephant Camp, Teaching Monks, Medical Intern, and Magazine Intern Projects.<br />

Bangkok Volunteer Group 31

Bangkok Volunteer Group 31

Bangkok, Thailand Volunteer and Intern Orientation Group 31<br />

Chiang Mai Orientation Group #199

Chiang Mai Orientation Group #199

Volunteer Child Protection Policy

Volunteer Child Protection Policy

Friends for Asia offers has various different policies regarding child protection, depending upon the project that a participant has chosen. We have now put these policies together to create one over-arching Child Protection Policy, that will be used for all of our placements where volunteers work within the vicinity or directly with children. For our Thailand programs, this would apply to our teaching and childcare placements.<br />

Bangkok Volunteer Group 30

Bangkok Volunteer Group 30

Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #30! This group of four volunteers, and two Medical Interns, started their projects earlier this week. A very diverse small group of three Americans, one Canadian, one German and one Swiss. These six participants will be partaking in our Medical Internship, English Education, Teaching Monks and Womens Empowerment Volunteer Projects.<br />

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #198

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #198

Presenting our Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer and Intern Group #198! A very diverse group of 18 people representing eight different nationalities! The group started their projects on Monday - a very busy day for everyone, as it was the first day of the 2016 Thailand school year. In this group we have participants in our Medical Internship, English Education, Teaching Monks, Children's Home, and Elephant Camp Volunteer Projects.<br />

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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