The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

September 2024

Presenting Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328! This group of four volunteers and interns participated in our Medical Internship, Elephant Camp, English Education, and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

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Chiang Mai Volunteer Group # 184

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group # 184

Presenting our Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #184. A relatively small group. Our numbers drop in October, considering the schools in Thailand are closed for the mid-school year break. For this reason, all of our teaching projects are unavailable. <br />

New 1 Week Thailand Elephant Camp Placements!

New 1 Week Thailand Elephant Camp Placements!

Friends for Asia is now offering One Week Elephant Camp Volunteer Placements! This is perfect for volunteers who wish to experience more of what Friends for Asia has to offer but don’t have much time to do so. <br />

Dual Thailand City Volunteering - Bangkok and Chiang Mai

Dual Thailand City Volunteering - Bangkok and Chiang Mai

Friends for Asia offers a variety of different exciting volunteer and intern projects in both Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand. Opportunities in the North as well in Bangkok make it easy for our volunteers to see the many faces of Thai culture and what makes Thailand such a unique country. At Friends for Asia, we set up our programs in Thailand so that volunteers work in communities in the north, based around Chiang Mai, or in Bangkok. For volunteers wishing to get a more rounded view of Thai culture, we also allow participants to split their time between the two, allowing workers to maximize their experience here and see more of what Thailand has to offer. <br />

Chiang Mai, Thailand Group #183

Chiang Mai, Thailand Group #183

Presenting Friends for Asia, Chiang Mai, Thailand Group #183. This group just finished orientation last Sunday, and started their projects this past Monday. It's a big group of 22 volunteers and interns from Denmark, Switzerland, USA, France, Canada, Turkey and Chile. There are a fair number of volunteers and interns in this group that will be with us here in Chiang Mai for extended periods of time - 13 weeks, etc. In touching base and chatting with the volunteers and interns in this group over the week, everyone seems to be having a great first week. <br />

Volunteer Safety

Volunteer Safety

Friends for Asia aims to provide meaningful experiences helping disadvantaged communities all across Asia. This means providing volunteers with suitable accommodations, resources for finding things to do and eat, and safety. Luckily, Asia has a relatively low crime rate compared to the rest of the world, but that doesn’t necessarily mean caution can be thrown into the wind. Volunteers are placed in a wide variety of cultures and settings but keeping a few things in mind, despite the location, can help ensure all participants remain safe and enjoy their time with Friends for Asia.<br />

Bangkok Activity Reviews

Bangkok Activity Reviews

Volunteering with Friends for Asia in Thailand offers participants a unique perspective of a beautiful culture. Bangkok is a city whose reputation precedes it. This city of around 15 million is filled with everything a traveller could ask for: amazing food vendors with the familiar and not so familiar taste of Southeast Asia, world class shopping, nightlife, events, festivals, and so much more! Tourist only get a taste of what this metropolis has to offer, but our volunteers spend much more time with the local people and truly experience a more real, human side of the culture. Aside from these parts of the city, Friends for Asia also offers a wide variety of different volunteer and intern projects.<br />

Chiang Mai Activity Reviews

Chiang Mai Activity Reviews

Millions of tourist flock to Thailand every year to see everything the country has to offer. Exquisite food, stunning natural beauty, ornate temples, and kind smiles are just a few of the things that greet you when you travel to Thailand. While this may be enough for some people, others yearn for a more personal experience when they travel. Volunteering in Thailand gives participants and unique way to experience the culture of Thailand first hand in a way that tourist often miss out on.<br />

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #182

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #182

Presenting our 182nd Group of International Volunteers and Interns in our Friends for Asia, Chiang Mai, Thailand Projects. This group arrived on Friday, and started their projects this past Monday. This group is 16 volunteers, from the USA, Denmark, Mexico, Austria, UK, and Germany. Angela participated in our Bangkok projects for a few weeks before making her way up to Chiang Mai to participate in our Chiang Mai projects too. Everyone is in their first week of their placements, and just a few days in their projects. Now that things are settling down after our busy summer, we are starting to post these new group photos a little faster.<br />

Bangkok Volunteer Group #17

Bangkok Volunteer Group #17

Presenting our Friends for Asia, Bangkok, Thailand Volunteer Group #17. This group is of eight volunteers from Australia, Spain, UK, Austria and the USA. Carl (also known as "Noot" - spelling?) also participated in our projects in Chiang Mai, after his first day in Bangkok before... Long story. This group arrived last Friday, and began their projects on Monday, after orientation on Saturday and Sunday. The drama of one of Bangkok's darker weeks in its history has hopefully not overshadowed their amazing work, projects and experiences. Thank you guys for your time, effort, flexibility and participation in our projects!<br />

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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