The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

September 2024

Presenting Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328! This group of four volunteers and interns participated in our Medical Internship, Elephant Camp, English Education, and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

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ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote
ffa testimonial quote


“Pray for Bangkok” has emerged as the slogan for how the people of Thailand are working through their grief after a bomb exploded in Bangkok’s central business district on the evening of Monday, the 17th of August, 2015. Whether it is Bangkok, Bali, Oslo or Boston, these acts show that no corner of the world is immune to horrific acts of violence.<br />

Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #181

Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #181

Presenting our Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #181. The group arrived on Friday, the 31st of July, went through our two day orientation on Saturday and Sunday (which consists of Thai language lessons, Cultural Do's and Don'ts, a half day city tour, Cultural Show and Dinner and tour of Chiang Mai's largest fresh market with our volunteer and intern coordinating staff. This is quite the group, and they had a great time during the two days, and began their projects on Monday, the 3rd of August. A group of 11 volunteers total, but with a lot of different nationalities represented: Mexico, United States, UK, Switzerland, Germany, Malaysia, Canada, and our first ever volunteer from Lithuania!<br />

Bangkok Thailand Volunteer Group #16

Bangkok Thailand Volunteer Group #16

Presenting our Bangkok Thailand Volunteer Group #16. You may notice some of the faces in the photos here from our previous Chiang Mai groups. Participating in both of our project locations (Bangkok and Chiang Mai) is becoming more and more popular amongst our volunteers and interns and two of the volunteers in this group participated in our Chiang Mai projects previously. <br />

Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #180

Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #180

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #180! This group arrived and began their projects in mid-July. It's been such a busy summer, we are just now getting around to posting some of these great group photos. This group had 14 volunteers and interns from Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria and the United States. Most of the volunteers in this group participated for only two weeks, with a few for a little longer. As you can see from the photos here, most of the volunteers and interns are students on summer break from college/university, with a few from different walks of life.<br />

Bangkok Thailand Volunteer Group #15

Bangkok Thailand Volunteer Group #15

Presenting our Friends for Asia Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #15. Although this group is of only ten new volunteers and interns, we have a mix of different nationalities represented - 5 Americans, 2 Canadians, 1 Spaniard, 1 Swiss, and 1 Russian. This group is a few weeks into the projects already, and having a good experience, and enjoying the sights, sounds and excitement of Bangkok! <br />

Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #179

Chiang Mai Thailand Volunteer Group #179

Introducing a small group of our Special Summer Group Volunteers!<br />

Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #14

Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #14

A little late on posting this. July is a very busy time for us. Please find a photo of our Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Group #14 below. In this group we have volunteers and interns from Germany, the UK, USA, Belgium, Canada and France. Some of these volunteers have finished their placements already. Others are in their third week of their projects. <br />

Volunteer in Bangkok!

Volunteer in Bangkok!

Volunteer in Bangkok, with Friends for Asia at the crossroads of Southeast Asia. Bangkok is a dynamic and cosmopolitan city, with ultra-modern infrastructure, gleaming sky-rises and an underpinning of ancient Buddhist traditions but still with a large number of those in need and struggling to get by. Sample authentic Thai food, learn the language and go behind the scenes of Thai culture through one of our rewarding Bangkok volunteer project placements.<br />

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #178

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #178

Due to to our busy summer, we are a little later than usual in posting these group photos. We're half way through the summer at this point, and in review of our Thailand, Friends for Asia projects at this point... all is going pretty well. Please find the photo and name list of volunteers and interns in Chiang Mai Group #178 below.<br />

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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