The Friends for Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328; August, 2024

September 2024

Presenting Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer & Intern Group #328! This group of four volunteers and interns participated in our Medical Internship, Elephant Camp, English Education, and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects.<br />

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Gap Year Volunteers in Thailand!

Gap Year Volunteers in Thailand!

A gap year gives university-bound students the chance to [advance their education without the stress of exams and homework]( Traditionally, students will gain entrance to university first, and then apply for a one-year deferment. During this year, they may spend some time working, interning or even volunteering abroad. *Friends for Asia* has welcomed its fair share of student volunteers eager to learn more about the world before they proceed with their education. For many, it's a life-changing experience. <br />

Corporate Volunteers in Thailand!

Corporate Volunteers in Thailand!

Corporate Volunteering and Corporate Outreach crosses International boundaries. Corporate volunteers are pursuing meaningful projects across Asia. Our Thailand placements are the perfect spot for such companies.<br />

Summer Volunteer in Thailand!

Summer Volunteer in Thailand!

Summer is coming and it is a great time to consider volunteer and internship options in Thailand. Interested in travel abroad, combined with meaningful human contact with people in foreign countries? *Friends for Asia* has you covered. June to July is our busiest time of the year. We see in an influx of university students and working professionals that are able to take time during the summer months to travel, explore, give back and learn. <br />

Career Break - Volunteer in Thailand

Career Break - Volunteer in Thailand

There's nothing new about the idea of a [career break](, though the concept has certainly been rebranded and repackaged in recent years. Whether you think of it as a [21st-century sabbatical]( or, more simply, an extended and unpaid leave from work that includes travel, the fact remains that today's professionals have a variety of life-enriching options to choose from. Among those is the chance to volunteer in Asia through **Friends for Asia**. <br />

Thai School Year Calendar

Thai School Year Calendar

The Thai school year does not match up with standard European, Australian, or North American school calendars. In addition, there may be changes to this schedule in 2014 to coordinate better with other ASEAN nations (helping integrate with the ASEAN Economic Community).<br />

What to Do in Chiang Mai, Thailand

What to Do in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Visitors to Chiang Mai are usually impressed by the welcoming atmosphere, tasty food, great shopping, cultural opportunities, and adventure activities. This is the ideal location for visitors to base themselves if they wish to explore [Northern Thailand]( There is an abundance of accommodations at all price levels, from the very inexpensive to the more expensive options for those who want a bit of luxury. Chiang Mai is a great place for educational pursuits such as learning the Thai language, Thai massage, Thai cooking, Muay Thai, and Thai Buddhist meditation. It is the main location for *Friends for Asia* and as such we have helped develop Chiang Mai as a center for volunteering as well as internships.<br />

Channel V - B430 - Volunteer in  Thailand

Channel V - B430 - Volunteer in Thailand

*Friends for Asia* has several ongoing volunteer projects and internships featured on Australia's [Channel V]( show B430 (Before 30) - Season 3, Episode 5 (2011) was on Volunteering in Northern Thailand. [B430]( is about where to go and what to do in different places all over the globe, before one reaches the ripe old age of thirty. <br />

Volunteers Over 50 in Thailand

Volunteers Over 50 in Thailand

According to a report published by Thomas Cook – a UK-based travel company – travelers aged 50 and above are increasingly turning to far-flung destinations inspired by the younger travelers in their family. Older Volunteers, or _50+ Volunteers_ are now coming to participate in our projects more often and in greater numbers. <br />

February Message from Friends for Asia Director

February Message from Friends for Asia Director

___Message from the Director of Friends for Asia, Todd Cikraji___<br />

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Make a Lasting Impact as a Volunteer or Intern in Thailand

These projects provide authentic access to Thai communities, beyond typical tourist experiences. The connections formed while volunteering create lasting impacts, both for volunteers and the local people whose lives they touch.

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